Your car’s tyres are amongst its most crucial elements, and the only part that touches the road. A tyre’s traction (grip on the road) is essential. Read through our guide to learn about the importance of tyre traction.
Friction Is Your Car’s Friend
The key to tyre traction is the friction between the asphalt and the tyres. The rougher the two surfaces, the higher the friction between them and the greater the traction. The intricate grooves on a tyre are tread patterns. Tread patterns are specifically designed by engineers to enhance friction and make it easier for drivers to control their car. The grooves and markings on tyres function to remove oil, water, sand, gravel and other materials from between your car’s tyres and the road.
Having worn tyres replaced is crucial, — as the tread patterns fade friction is reduced, and your car will have less traction. A car without proper traction is a potentially tragic affair.
Other movements that can impede friction and reduce tyre traction include:
- Braking Too Suddenly
- Driving Too Fast
- Accelerating Too Quickly
- Turning the Wheels Too Sharply
Tyre Traction Is Vital
By altering the tread pattern, material composition and width of tyres, engineers can create tyres with traction matched to particular surfaces, temperatures and moisture levels. It’s important to select tyres designed for the specific conditions you drive your car in, not only for safety reasons but also so you’re not placing undue stress on your car.
There Is Such A Thing as Too Much Traction
While too little tyre traction is dangerous, too much tyre traction is undesirable. ‘Rolling resistance’ is the scientific term for a car’s opposition to movement. If it’s too high, your car will use more fuel and must work harder to function, ultimately causing damage.
The primary cause of high rolling resistance is underinflated tyres and is fixed by increasing your tyre pressure, practising good car care and periodic check-ups.
Contact Us Now
If you have concerns about your car’s tyre traction, we’re here to assist. Contact the mechanics at Car Care Joondalup online or find out more about booking in for a service.