Carcare Yanchep
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Replacing Your Timing Belt

When your timing belt breaks, it can cause all kinds of damages to your vehicle’s engine. It’s expensive to repair, but incredibly avoidable if you’re organised and on top of your vehicle’s maintenance requirements. At Carcare Joondalup, our experts will provide you with the advice, services, and guidance necessary to keep your timing belt in excellent condition.

 Why Your Belt Needs to Be Replaced

It’s not always a well-known fact that your car’s timing belt needs to be replaced. The belt is responsible for keeping the internal components of your vehicle’s engine turning in a synchronised order. If the belt breaks, your engine repair costs could be in excess of $3000 – $4000, so it’s best to stay on top of your timing belt replacements and take the preventative measures necessary to avoid expensive damages. If you’re worried about the condition of your timing belt, you can call us today.

Causes of Premature Timing Belt Failure

While there are some vehicles that can last for several years and still have an intact driving belt, there are several factors that can reduce your belt’s longevity. Anything from faulty belt hardware, leaking water pumps, improper tension, or having a timing belt soaked in engine oil can be the reason for premature failure and more regular belt replacements. Keep on top of your vehicle repair needs and book regular maintenance checks to avoid future damage.

Identifying the Right Time for a Belt Replacement

Timing belt replacements are recommended every 100 000km or every 5 years. That being said, some vehicles require replacements more often, so it’s best to get in touch with our experts if you’re unsure of how often you should be replacing your driving belt.

Inspecting Your Timing Belt

You can book a timing belt check with our experts at any time. The timing belt cannot be viewed under the hood and it’s often covered by plastic or metal that our mechanics can easily remove to inspect. Call Carcare Joondalup now on (08) 9300 9796.

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