Road trips are a fantastic way to bring people together, whether that be family, friends or even neighbours. However, nothing stilts a road trip faster than unexpected car troubles. In this article, we will explore how to get your car ready for a big road trip.

Check Vehicle Fluids

The fluids inside your car are one of the first things you should consider when you get your car ready for a trip.

  • Is it time for an oil change? If your oil is black, gritty or almost out, it is.
  • Radiator fluid stops your car from overheating. Check your coolant and ensure there is enough to last the trip.
  • If your brakes feel spongy or loose, it may be time to check and refresh your brake fluid.
  • If your steering wheel feels clunky, it may be because of the wheel fluid. This should also be checked.
  • Windshield fluid can always use a top-up, especially before a trip that may get grimy and dusty.


A long road trip can cause a significant amount of wear and tear to your tyres, which is why you need to inspect them before you leave.

  • Is their pressure appropriate? Overinflated tyres are more likely to burst and make the trip unpleasant.
  • Do they need replacement? If your tyres are already showing signs of wear and tear, it may be worth replacing them before the trip instead of having to deal with a blown tyre during it.

Air Filter

There is a lot of dust and debris on the road that can cause clogged air filters, which, in turn, can then cause engine troubles and make the car interior feel dusty. Before you go on the trip, check the capacity of your air filters. They may need replacing.


When it comes to lights, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are my headlights working? Is it time to replace any bulbs within them?
  • Are your left and right turn signals working?
  • How about your rear lights?

Air Conditioning and Heating

The interior of your car can make or break a trip. Prior to your trip, check to ensure that your air-conditioning and heating units are working smoothly.

Emergency Equipment

Many areas of Western Australia – and beyond – are remote, which is why it is crucial to be prepared for the worst. Alongside your usual emergency equipment such as a first aid kit, you should also consider bringing the following:

  • Planning essentials. You should be prepared to lose reception and to run out of battery. To stop this from being a disaster, bring maps with you and note the distances between fuel stations on them.
  • Bring extras: extra fuel, extra water, extra batteries.
  • Have a spare tyre with you. 

Car Servicing

A great way to get your car ready for a big trip is to have it serviced.

We, at Carcare Joondalup, are here to help. If you have any questions about our services or this article, call us today on (08) 9300 9796 or contact us online. Our team of expert mechanics will help you with any services or questions you may have.