When it comes to getting the most out of your car, it is best that you have your oil checked and changed on a regular basis. Too often, car owners fail to check their engine oil which is the most important component of your car that you can control. Failing to do this not only decreases the engine’s performance, you are setting yourself up for expensive towing costs and mechanical repairs.
Why You Need to Change Your Oil
It can’t be stressed enough just how important it is to change your engine oil. Your engine is made up of many different components which all need to be properly lubricated with oil. As time progresses, dirt and dust build up inside the engine, causing sludge. When this happens, the sludge becomes thicker and hampers the lubrication of the engine’s components. If left alone, this can cause significant damage to the engine. Additionally, the other main benefits of changing your oil include:
Improves Fuel Efficiency
When there is poor lubrication of your engine, your car’s fuel efficiency is decreased. This is due to the fact that your car now needs to work overtime to get the fuel into the engine, increasing the overall consumption.
When the oil levels are at the recommended levels, your engine relies less on the fuel and is able to generate the power needed to drive.
Ensures Engine Lubrication
Every component in your engine is moving at a high rate when you are driving. To ensure these components are moving freely, the oil in your engine needs to be lubricating them. The components that make up the engine include:
- Valves
- Pistons
- Engine belt
- Spark plugs
- Crankshaft
If any one of these components is not lubricated, they will wear out quickly due to overheating caused by excessive use.
Keeps Components Cool
When your engine oil is changed, it helps keep the components cool. This is due to the oil lubricating the engine, helping prevent any build up of dirt, dust and heat. When there is too much friction between components, heat builds up in the engine, which will then overheat if you don’t change the engine oil.
Keeps the Engine Clean
When your engine is clean, your car runs smoothly on the road. This is because the oil helps remove any build-up of dirt in the engine, which can turn to sludge. When this happens, the sludge can cause blockages throughout the engines components, leading to poor lubrication.
Friction from poor lubrication builds up in the engine and you will then be exposed to potential corrosion of parts. It is important that you check and change your engine oil every 3000-5000kms.
Book in For a Complete Service
Your car’s engine is, without a doubt, the most important component in your vehicle and needs to be treated accordingly. Failing to do so will require you to have it fixed at your own expense.
To ensure the oil levels in your engine are at optimum levels, call the experts. Get in touch with Car Care Joondalup today by calling us on 08 9300 9796.